Business Website

How Much Does It Cost To Make A Business Website Today?

One of the most daunting question almost all budding entreprenurs think first is how much does it REALLY cost to build a website? The truth is, the cost of building a website depends entirely on each individual budget and goals. Though, in this post, we’ll show you how much it will really cost to set up a website for most businesses.

Hire or DIY

You can hire a professional developer to build your website. This is because, it saves your time, effort and energy in getting taking your project online. Additionally, if you’re not a tech savvy, you might end up creating an unefficient website. Despite having different tools to develope a website, for a non-techie individual, it is recommended to count on a developer.

Tools for Setting Up

No matter what type of website you wish to create, it’s important to know about tools you’ll need for setting up your site.

  • Domain name (e.g. abc.com)
  • Website builder (e.g. WordPress)
  • Web hosting (depends on your website builder)

Domain Name

The domain name is your website’s address on the internet. This is the name your customers type into their browsers to land on your website. You have to register a domain name. You need to renew your domain if its for a year.

Web Hosting

Web hosting is like a home of your website. This is where you virtual store, content and creatives files are. When a visitor tries to access your site by typing in your website address (domain name), then they’ll be directed to the website & all these files stored on your web hosting server.

There are a lot of different types of web hosting services such as shared hosting, VPS chosting, cheap hosting, WordPress hosting, etc. When you’re starting out, we suggest selecting a shared hosting or WordPress hosting. This is because both are preferrable in terms of affordability and needs.

Website Development Cost

Let’s first break-down websites into a few different budget categories:

  • Small website (minimal budget)
  • Advanced website (more features)
  • Online store
  • Custom-built website

Depending on your needs, a website development can cost from $100 to $500. If you wish to create an advanced and added features or a custom-built website, the cost can go as high as $30,000 or even more.

The combined cost of domain name and hosting may be quite expensive for you, especially if you’re just starting out as new. We count on some of the best hosting companies in the world like Bluehost.

Check here Top Web Design Companies for your next project.

Starting up with a WordPress website

We’ve already discussed about some of the major plugins on your WordPress website in our previous post. Just, summing it up:

  • WPForms lite: To create a contact form
  • MonsterInsights: Connect your site to Google Analytics
  • Yoast SEO: Optimize your WordPress SEO (search engine optimization)
  • UpdraftPlus: Back up your WordPress site
  • W3 Total Cache: To improve and enchance your WordPress performance and speed
  • Akismet: Prevent spam comments

Small Business Website Cost of Development

Business websites are informational. A business website needs an influencial landing page and introductory pages. The cost of creating a business website again depends on the complexity and details you wish to have on the website. A small-scale business website developement cost usually depends on the pages. Following are the basic pages a website should include:

The basic informational website with very little customization. A website less than 15 pages, a few stock photos, and no major functionality might costs upfront $2000 to $8000.

Mid-sized Business Website Cost of Developement

For a standard commercial website not more than 50 pages, with content management system (CMS) enabled, custom design layouts, and some unique functionality set up by developers. The website development will cost between $10,000 to $25,000.

Large Business Website Cost of Developement

A large business scale website of around 50 pages, extremely customized design layouts, content management system, specific functionality, and supplementary features like personalized development, blog integration, multimedia, and more costs around $25,000 yo $40,000.

e-Commerce Website Cost of Development

Since major ecommerce brands are now knocking the digital door, having an e-commerce website becomes mandatory. An ecommerce website is the one where customers can have an access to browse & purchase products. As an entreprenur, you can integrate a payment gateway, replace content and creatives, a CMS, and beta testing. This will cost: anywhere around $5,000 to $40,000.

Conclusion: How Much Does It REALLY Costs To Develop A Website

So, to conclude the most complicated question, we would say that a business website can cost anywhere from $2000 to $20000, $50000 and even more. Hiring an expert website developer can give you the most efficient budget after understanding all the requirements in details.

Are you looking for a tech partner to build your website? Our team of experienced web developers is always up for new concepts. Connect with us to get a FREE website consultation and drop in your questions.
